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Un salutino

29 Mar

Mi mancava tanto!

La festa di Lugano

18 Jun




Alcune foto del conpleanno di Sasha. 25 anni!!!
Fatte con la Canon reflex!!!

La Nadia il Torchietto e la pizza più buona

6 Jun

La miglior pizza?
La fa lei
I suoi specie se col tocco ligure
Cotoletta alla milanese???
Insomma questa signora e’ la migliore. E da lei una pizza io andrei a mangiarla anche adesso!!!!


Pensate che mio marito c’e andato sia venerdi’ che sabato che domenica


28 Jan

Stasera pizzettina al ma de ma col prof.
Pomeriggio piovoso, abbiamo preso la macchina invece che andare a piedi e per noi e’ tanto stranooooo.
Io solitamente cammino sempre. Siamo andati in libreria per scegliere il mio regalo di natale della Pinu. Tre libri e uno in arrivo. .


13 Nov

Io oggi ero in riva al mare x colazione. Amo alassio!!!!

Trattoria salmina

29 Oct

Questa sera si torna li’. .
Posto decisamente fantastico. Seguiranno foto.

La mia amica. .

1 Oct

Non era pii cosi’ ossessionata ingiustamente. Verissimo. Ho letto Pare che udu sia “incinto” ad aprile ma adesso forse sto bambino ko ha anche gia’avuto.
Mi sono persino registrata su blackprofiles per leggere tutto. . E sono rimasta di sasso.
Ma chi e’ la moglie????
Need to investigate

Festa della bigatera

11 Sep

Ottimo. Polenta uncia
la balota
salamella e wurstel mirtilli.
E su MIL avevo ragione io.


17 Jun

Grey SKY
Almost rain


13 Jun

September 10, 2010


we just a great weekend in Montecarlo. 3 wonderful days. it was an incentive trip for Paolo from Xerox. we arrived at the Montecarlo Bay Hotel by car because for us it was easier. the flights are from Rome so we had to change and it was stupid as it is 2 hours and 1/2 from here. but this way..we missed the transfer from Nice to the hotel by helicopter!!!

the room was awesome and the pools of the hotels amazing with sand in the depth. i felt like in the caribbean more than in Monaco…we did a walk around, had lunch in the terrace…dinner was in another terrace and we met all the others from the group. it was very international and Paolo finally met his colleague from Germany. saturday we had a coast road trip with a old diane citroen 2CV. we had an adventure trip…with a view…and then stopped in EZE to visit the village. we climbed up and went inside the exotic gardens (all my pics are on flickr) with such an astonishing view…

then they had organized an aperitif for us in the terrace of the hotel la chevre d’or..such an amazing place…it was pretty hot and walking and climbing up was hard..but i survived.

then back on our diane for a trip to Villefranche sur Mer where we had lunch in a seafront place. then…swimming pool time and a good swim till we had to get ready for the gala dinner at the hotel Hermitage. a drink on the terrace again and the diamond game in the flute.

i wasn’t the lucky winner but now i do have 2 zirconia of 0,5 carat to use and to make earings..not bad anyway:)

the salle de l’etoile was something…food was…so and so…but we enjoyed it.

the german guy and an english lady were sooo funny.

sunday…we walked again in town and then headed to the montecarlo beach club where a brunch was waiting for us. it was very hot….but what a nice surroundings…

i was almost in tears to go back.-..

Today i went to the japonese restaurant with 2 friends and i was disappointing because this winter the place was very good and now food was cold (I had huramaki) and not as good as it was before. Cross over it. We need to find a new one.

Work is a mess. This colleague we have from rome is a mess and totally egocentric. He is sure not to fail . never. Infact he is a failure and we will see this new project he has…i told them…but they follow him sooo much…

So i am fed up. I really hope that he will change union soon. Anyway he is all chitty chatty with this other trade union so why doesn’t he join them to make we free from his crazyness?

Last weekend we were at the lake. We had dinner in Cernobbio with Gil and Laura (they got married on the 4th but we were in MC so couldn’t go to the wedding). I wandered around cernobbio and i loved it so now this saturday i want to go again and take some nice pics.

Friday:business day in sondrio.tomorrow: ballet at la scala. Busy bee…